Tuesday, August 2, 2016

2 Timothy 1:7 (Mom)


  1. I chose this scripture because it has given me a lot of strength over the years. The first time I was introduced to this scripture was when I was called to serve in the temple. I was having a hard time learning the initiatory. One of the workers showed me this scripture and reminded me that faith and fear can not exist at the same place at the same time. Satan gives us fear and doubt and Christ gives us faith and hope. I have learned that when I have faith I am given the power to do all things because Christ and the Holy Ghost are beside me and showing me how to accomplish what ever I am asked to do, even though it seems impossible.
    I my life long desire is to live by faith and to learn how to respond to all the promptings of the spirit. I pray we can all have a little more faith to carry us though each day. Then we are never alone.

  2. Have you stopped long enough to ponder on the wisdom and knowledge we have collectively shared over the months we have been doing this ponderizing activity? As I thought about the scripture this week I again realized just what a powerful family we are. Heavenly Father continues to bless us with love and hope even though we each have our fears.

    Recall what happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve partook of the Fruit of Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. Opposition entered into this world; good & evil, virtue & vice, health & sickness. This act made it possible for us to experience this earth life. But it was a time full of fear for Adam and Eve and us until Heavenly Father through a covenant replaced fear with His perfect plan of hope, joy, happiness, and love. Just as this scripture points out, God did not give us the "spirit of fear." We can and will overcome fear as we apply "power of love" made available in all circumstances of this life via the Atonement of Christ.

  3. I had a lot of fear heading into this past week as school is starting and the beginning of online seminary approaches. Bree also had her wisdom teeth out Friday so I was worried about that as well. Needless to say- this scripture was a good one for me this week.

    I like how this scripture points out that fear doesn't come from God. Fear stifles is, restricts us, inhibits our progress and experiences. Faith in the other hand lets us handle stress, have hope, and gives us courage to try. Realizing that principle is what got me through last week, and also gets us all through the challenges we each face.

  4. I love this scripture because I have a fear of dogs and I am getting better but I know on my mission I had to overcome my fear really fast because I was there teaching people about the gospel of Jesus Christ and not about my fear of dogs so I had to put my faith and trust in my Heavenly Father a lot and the Savior helped me a lot ! Those are my comments for this week !
    Love Mariah Sparrow

  5. I did not comment on this scripture because my thoughts were already expressed. However, I saw quote by Quentin L. Cook "As we follow the counsel, our faith increased and our fears decreased."
