Monday, August 8, 2016

1 Corinthians 3:16 (Emmalee)


  1. We are so lucky that we can have the spirit of God to dwell in us. What a powerful tool that is. It guides us, comforts us, reveals things to us, and warns us of danger, and confirms truth. When we have the spirit with us we are never alone not matter where we are or what we are doing.
    It is humbling to think of ourselves as temple. As we are getting ready for the Fort Collins Temple open house we are excited. We have kept track of the construction process. Heavenly Father wants nothing but the best to be used in our temples their upkeep is always done, and the grounds pristine. We need to treat our selves like Heavenly Father treats his temple. We should put into it the best foods and always dress nicely. We should exercise and keep up our temples they they can be well maintained. We need to also fill our minds with spiritual things. As we do that others will be drawn to us like they are to the temple because of our inner beauty and serenity.

  2. The Savior taught in parables so that spiritual topics could be taught in earthly ways that we might understand more clearly the concepts. Parables also require pondering on our part to get the deeper meanings available. This is certainly true for me regarding this scripture.

    I remember hearing this scripture for the first time as a child in primary. It did not have the significance then that it does now. I've come to learn that a temple is more than a beautiful building. Likewise, our bodies are more than just a glob of flesh, bones, and blood. But when the spirit leaves the body that is all it is; a glob that begins to decompose. Until the spirit reunites with the body it is nothing but elements of this earth.

    Our spirit and body combine to make us the temple of God. The beauty and spirit of God's earthly temples can be destroyed by graffiti, dirt, grime, and unworthy occupants. Also true of our bodies. Temples are more than beautiful buildings. Our bodies are more than flesh, bones, and blood.

  3. As I pondered this scripture I kept thinking how the Lord created our bodies so that they could repair and heal. I think the temple does that for our spirit. That being said we need both our body and spirit to heal so that we can be healthy and happy in all aspects of our lives.

  4. As I have been pondering this scripture this week it is very good one that points directly to the temple and we should go to the temple as often as we can ! There are many blessings that we can gain from going to the temple too. Those are my comments this week ! Have a great week .
    Mariah Sparrow

  5. For me this has been a really interesting topic to teach the primary kids this month. They totally get the temple but when you add their body is a temple too you can see the wheels spinning. They may not fully get it but when they make the connection they begin to understand the "why" for modesty, language, dress, what we watch/read, and grooming.

  6. To express my thoughts on this scripture, I am taking some Liberty with a quote from Neill F. Marriott from her talk "Sharing your light".
    "Placed around the world, temples have their own unique look and design on the outside, but inside they all contain the same eternal light, purpose, and truth. In 1 Corinthians 3:16 we read, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” We too as sons and daughters of God have been placed all around the world, like temples, and we each have our own unique look and outward design, like temples. We also have a spiritual light within us, like temples.This spiritual light is a reflection of the Savior’s light."
