Sunday, May 22, 2016

Luke 11:28 (Jen)


  1. Obedience is the first law of heaven. Why do we hear and obey? Is it to get a sticker, a prize, or maybe a gift certificate. No it is because we want to do what is right. It is a choice to be obedient. Obedience can be a preventive and a healing influence. It can keep us from danger, sin or just help us stay within the law so we do not receive punishment. It is a healing influence as we submit ourselves to be governed we no longer have a desire to get away with anything. We want to obey because it is right. The more we obey the more light and knowledge we receive. When we are obedient we do not have to fear. We will be protected. The more we choose right the more light an knowledge comes into our life. The more we obey the more we are trusted. The more we obey the closer we get to the Savior. The closer we are to the Savior the more he will trust us with his work and mold us into what he wants us to be. We are heavenly material. We are not mortals having a spiritual experience. We are Heavenly Beings having an earthly experience. We are here to choose to follow the Savior and his plan, learn to be like him, and to return to him. If we let him he may bend us, stretch us, an remake us into something more glorious that we ever dreamed of.

  2. There are lots of "hearers" and far fewer "doers". This is true today and it was true when Christ first spoke these words. Listening is easy and is a passive activity. We have probably all been part of the class, sacrament meeting, or conference where something very specific to us was mentioned and we had the passing thought, "I need to do that." But as soon as the meeting was over we went our way and never gave it another thought, let alone doing something. Hearing and doing, or keeping, are only connected by our actions. In some legal situations we are almost forced to act, but the gospel is not like that. It is always a choice not only to listen, but also to "keep". It is that voluntary keeping that makes the difference in our lives and shows our commitment to the Lord.

  3. I picked this scripture this week because our family is kind of in a lull with regard to church right now. We don't feel like we have any friends in our ward, we don't fit, hometeachers and visiting teachers don't come, etc. It has made me realize how easy it is for people to go inactive. I keep telling myself that I will get something out of church by going, I just have to be willing to put something into it and let the Holy Ghost teach me. I don't go to church for recognition or attention from others, I'm not converted to them, but to the gospel. So- I am at the point where I am hearing the word- and I have to decide if I am going to keep it (and live it) or just let it go. This is almost worse than having a huge trial to overcome, I think.

    If we hear the word, there is always an invitation to act and obey as Mom and Dad mentioned. The work "keep" in this verse makes me feel like it's something we do over and over again, consistently.

    I play to continue "keeping" and I hope my family decides to do the same, despite how they feel about going to church on Sundays.

    John 15:10 says: If he keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments,and abide in his love.

    I think we could all use that kind of love in our lives.

  4. As I read your comments I thought of an expereince my stake president shared with us from a training meeting with Elder Holland. He had our stake president come up and eat a twinkie. Is this enough to sustain your want for food all day? Sometimes we focus so much on the things we enjoy but soon we realize the twinkies in life will not sustain us. When we hear the word and obey, then we find the ability to be sustained.

  5. This scripture is a "if" "then" scripture. If you do this then the Lord will do that. Blessing s will come when we are obedient. I think of D&C 82:10 I, the Lord, am abound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise. The Lord will always do what he said he will do. Our actions are the unknown.

  6. I really like this scripture a lot and we need to do what the Savior Jesus Christ tells us what to do too ! He does so much for us too ! Those are my thoughts for this week !
    Mariah sparrow
