Monday, May 9, 2016

Alma 56:47-48 (Mariah)


  1. I have been so impressed with this story from my youth. I had always wanted to be a mother like that. One whom their children had total trust in. I wanted to always teach my children to love God more than fear men. These young men had such a great relationship with God and Christ that they knew, no matter what they would be delivered from any trial or hardship. That is a great assurance we all have when we live a righteous life. We do not have to fear anything because we have the Holy Ghost to guide us. We are never really alone. He is always there to give us comfort and peace. I can see this kind of trust as I watch my daughters and their children. The children love their Mom's and know that their Mom would never tell them anything that was not true. They believe in the things their parents have taught them and they follow the children follow those principles. It is wonderful to see you kneel with your families in prayer, and see you have family home evening and gospel study. We can see you are teaching your children to live in light and truth. (I know these young men had fathers who had laid down their weapons of war and would not fight. These young me saw their example and wanted to be like their fathers, yet they were needed to do a great work and so they did. I know that it takes a father and a mother to raise a family. Heavenly Father is so smart to send us to earth in a family. I am sure these fathers had every bit of an impact on their boys as did their mothers. I pray the Lord will continue to inspire you to raise your children so they have no fear of the world but only want to please God and to do anything he asks of them. -- Mom

  2. Yup - Mother knows best. I suspect we would all have a lot less trouble in our lives if we just listened and obeyed our mothers. In addition, mothers have a greater partnership with God than we understand. He has given them the power to give temporal life to His spirit children. Doesn't it stand to reason that if he placed that much trust in mothers he would also bless them with power to teach, nourish, and raise His children?

  3. If there is one thing none of us doubt- it's that our mother has a testimony of this gospel and our Savior, Jesus Christ. She loves Him and has taught each of us to love Him. Because of this, we can "Doubt our doubts before we doubt our faith" as President Uchtdorf says. We all have Mom (and Dad) to thank for that.

    I feel that is exactly what this scripture is trying to express. These young men had no reason to doubt as they went to battle because they had the example of their fathers- who honored their covenants, and they had the faith of their mothers that had now become a foundation for their own faith.

  4. So I know in late. I'm sorry. Any away I have been focused on the phrase " do not doubt". I as I thought about this I was struck how similar that phrase is to "doubting nothing". Paul said that phrase in the book of Acts (10:20) that pushed him to act. In Mormon (9:21) those that doubt nothing are promised whatever hey ask shall be granted. In Ether (3:19) the brother of Jared doubted nothing and his faith became dormant. So I see this scripture of extreme faith both of the sons and of the mothers.

    1. When I picked this scripture I was thinking about our own Mother in mind that she has taught us a lot in lifes and she has a love that can go beyond our own and she does service for others and I want to be a mother like her too! The brothers of alma had great love for their mothers if they didn't doubt it ! Those are my thoughts for this week !
