Sunday, March 27, 2016

Alma 53:20 (Melissa)


  1. If you ever need a scripture that captures several virtues in just a few lines, this is it; valiant, courage, strength, active, true, trust. These were pretty amazing young men. As we read their whole story we learn that because they were so good God protected them from what would likely have been certain death. Obedience and righteous living produces great blessings. And then there is the other part of the story that we must not forget, they were taught by their mothers (56:47). We can never underestimate the value of a mother's teaching to her children. Today our children are going to battle against forces stronger and more deadly than the Lamanites. They need to be taught in our homes these values that kept these young warriors safe in even the fiercest battles.

  2. I kept thinking this week how I hope there are still some young men out there like this for Britt and Bree to marry. I fear these type of young men are few and far between.

    The world needs priesthood holders who are like this. We look to and rely on them to be these type of people so we can have the power of the Lord with us when we need it.

  3. As I have reflected on this scripture I had the following thought. Age is not a prerequisite for doing your duty and doing it with all your ability, effort and skill. Thorough out the scripture the Lord uses people of all ages to bring about his work. Weather it's Samuel or the boy David in there youth or Sarah and Enoch in there old age, if we are the worthy instrument needed we will be called upon.

  4. As I have been thinking on this scripture we all need mighty men that hold the priesthood in our lifes. We need to have strength like them too. As I have heard General conference this weekend we need the priesthood in this church today too . Have a great Sunday and have a great week too ! From Mariah Sparrow

  5. When I read this scripture I often think of missionaries as they go out into the world. They are valiant in keeping the commandments and they are fearless as they try to find people. They are firm in their faith and give all to the Lord. We do not need to have a missionary badge to do that. We can do that each day in our daily lives if make an conscience effort.
    It also reminded me of a line my patriarchial blessing. "Sister Mary, you must remember, where much is given, much is expected, so your responsibility is great and nothing short of your very most excellent service and devotion can repay the love and patient training you have received from divine and mortal sources. They have passed on to you a sacred heritage which you must cherish, magnify and pass on untarnished unto your children. We each have that same heritage and are tutored by mortal and divine sources. Those young men gave all to the cause to protect their land, families and freedom. May we always give our most excellent service and devotion" fin what ever we do.

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  7. "True at all times." There seems to be an epidemic right now among many of my friends who are getting a divorce because the men they married have not been true to what they covenanted to do in marriage. Fidelity was not the issue, but having a family was. In each of these sad cases the marriage could have been preserved if they had remained true to their covenants and had the courage to accept the role not only as husband but to become a father.

    I may not have a big house on the hill, or lots of money, but I do have a husband who is true at all times to his role as a husband and father. He's not perfect, but he is trying to be true and that works for me!
