Monday, March 7, 2016

3rd Nephi 19:28 (Emmalee)


  1. This is a really deep scripture. Knowing Christ was the one talking here helped me to get more perspective. I liked how it was mentioned in the verse prior to this one that Christ went off a little ways from the people and prayed for them. It made me wonder if He still does that for us today. I hope so! He may not need to actually pray- because he is in Heavenly Father's presence, but I think he still takes time to think of each of us and wants and hopes the best for us.

    Next, I thought about how those who serve are purified in Christ. When we serve in our callings, we should try to do what Christ would do if He had that calling Himself. That's difficult to do because of other responsibilities we have to our jobs, school, and families- but we can work to have the love Christ would have for the people we serve in our callings. If we work to have that, then our actions will be pure. If the people we serve can feel of the pure love of Christ that we have for them, then hopefully they will also strive to become more pure themselves.

    Verse 36 of this same chapter- 3 Nephi 19 says:
    "Verily I say unto you, there are none of them that have seen so great things as ye have seen; neither have they heard so great things as ye have heard."

    I have a note next to that verse in my scriptures that says "Having faith lets you see the miracles of God."

    If we have faith, we can more fully see how Christ and Heavenly Father work in our lives. This purifies us, and allows us to try and help purify those we love and serve as well.

  2. This scripture brought to mind 2 things. As I have read the biographies of some of the apostles and presidents of the church, I can see that each had trials. Each were tested beyond what I could bear. Yet they came through those trails a better man. They are purified by each test so they can better understand how to succor us. They have been where we are and know what we need. Also we pray for the apostles when they are getting ready for conference so they can prepare their talks and give them in a way that we can understand.

    Also I thought about the missionaries. Everyone prays for them. In every session of the temple. Their mission is not for the people they will teach it is for them to gain a strong testimony for themselves. Those they teach are added blessings. We pray for them to be purified so they can teach with the spirit.

  3. Christ is our advocate with the Father. This scripture is an excellent example of just how He does that. All of chapter 19 is about the twelve disciples He had just called. Christ prays for these servants twice in this chapter. I believe he advocates for all of us that have been called and serve in His church. In like manner he also prays or advocates for those we serve...seminary students, primary children, RS sisters, whoever we serve. As we and the Lord work together in our callings then the purification process begins for us and them. And we must not forget faith. Nothing happens without our faith and the faith of those we serve.

  4. I love this scripture so much and we need to be purified like the Savior Jesus Christ and we need to follow his example in our own lifes too ! Those are those are my thoughts on this scripture ! Have a great day !

  5. I love this scripture so much and we need to apply it in our lifes ! We need to follow our Savior Jesus Christ in our own lifes. Have a great week !

  6. Purify, a process we are invited to take part in. It's not only about cleansing but change that happens within us. When we want to help others who struggle we should focus more on sanctifing ourselves rather than the latter. When we ask the Lord to help change and sanctify us then we become a tool to helping his children. Sometimes I think we get so focused in the things others need to change about themselves that we forget we too need to change to be able to reach those we love. That we may be sanctified.
