Sunday, December 18, 2016

Isaiah 9:6 (Dad)

Image result for isaiah 9:6


  1. This was the perfect scripture for this week. Christ came into this world as an innocent perfect child- just as we all did. The difference was that He was the literal son of Heavenly Father and was able to take on the world for each of our benefit. Christ is something different to each of us- but He's also everything to all of us. I'm so thankful for the relationship I'm trying to build with Him as I learn more about The Plan and just how much He truely did for all of us.

  2. About mid-week as I was pondering this scripture the word "us" jumped out at me for the first time. Christ the Savior of the world was sent from the Father to us and for us. This great gift from the Father was for US! I think that when I finally let this fact sink into my heart, that I picked up on the real meaning of Christmas. My Savior was my gift!
