Monday, June 20, 2016

D&C 121:33 (Will)


  1. I like this scripture because is shows how much God loves us and wants to bless us with knowledge. He is willing a waiting to bless us we are the ones holding things back when we are not keeping our covenants to receive the knowledge. Even during the darkest time when the saints were being pursecuted, there was still lots of revelations that came. When Christ passed away and Peter became president of the church, many revelations came to the apostles. When the nephites dwindled in unbelief, God sent Samuel the Lamonite to help them repent. God has a plan for this world, and that plan will not be stopped by unworthy men. He will call another prophet and send more revelation to those who believe. He wants us to succeed in this life and his is doing everything he can to help us. He has provided us a Savior, he gives us temples, more every day. He listens to our prayers 24 hours a day. WE just need to keep our covenants and listen to the prophet and we will receive all the knowledge to help us progress and help us be happy in this life and for eternity.

  2. To help me express my thoughts on this scripture I will refer to a talk by Boyd K. Packer given in the October 2004 general conference.
    "There is a message for Latter-day Saints in a seldom quoted revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1838. “I remember my servant Oliver Granger; behold, verily I say unto him that his name shall be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever, saith the Lord” (D&C 117:12)."
    "What did Oliver Granger do that his name should be held in sacred remembrance? Nothing much, really. It was not so much what he did as what he was."
    "Now another generation of youth comes forward. We see a strength in them beyond what we have seen before. Drinking and drugs and moral mischief are not a part of their lives. They band together in study of the gospel, in socials, and in service."
    "They are not perfect. Not yet. They are doing the best they can, and they are stronger than the generations that came before."
    "As the Lord told Oliver Granger, “When [they fall they] shall rise again, for [their] sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than [their] increase”
    "Some needlessly carry a heavy burden of guilt which could be removed through confession and repentance."
    "The Lord did not say of Oliver, “[If] he falls,” but “When he falls he shall rise again” (D&C 117:13)"
    "He was not a great man in terms of the world. Nevertheless, the Lord said, “Let no man despise my servant Oliver Granger, but let the blessings … be on him forever and ever” (D&C 117:15)."
    "Let no one underestimate the power of faith in the ordinary Latter-day Saints"
    Our everyday battle to make the right choice and to do gods will dose matter. He is will bless us.

  3. The Prophet Joseph Smith received many, many important revelations. This, along with many others, packs even greater significance when placed in the context and environment where received. The Prophet was at the time in Liberty Jail. This "hell-hole" was the location where many of my favorite revelations were given. In this particular verse I believe the Lord allowed Joseph to express some of his inspired thoughts about the persecution he and the saints were receiving. Yet he knew, and put it down for all to read, that the puny arms of wicked men might as well try to stop the Missouri river rather then try to stop the work of God from going forth. You and I today are benefactors of the mighty work of the restoration. Joseph did his work and sealed his testimony with his blood. The restoration work continues. We have responsibilities in our homes, church, and community. This work will go on with or without us. God will continue to pour down knowledge and blessings to His saints. We must receive and act or be passed by. His mighty work will roll on. I want all of us to be part of His team and not be left standing with the "puny arm" guys trying to stop the work.

  4. Lately I have had the opportunity to attend some seminary trainings about the new Doctrinal Mastery program. (Scripture Mastery is being phased out). Doctrinal Mastery focuses more on knowing scripture references that define and exhibit principles we can live by and use to solve problems and assist us to live the gospel. One of our leaders even said that we are riding the crest of the wave representing the work of the Lord rolling forth to fill the whole earth as this new program is implemented this year. Looking back over the past few years you can see the wave beginning to grow and swell. Missionaries were asked to raise the bar, "Come Follow Me" and "Preach My Gospel" have been added, Missionary age was dropped, Seminary and Institute classes have been revamped and overhauled, the online resources and Gospel Library the church has organized put tons of information at our fingertips, the family history website will be updated this week...I'm sure there is more, but this is just the things that popped into my head this week.

    I guess we have a choice as to if we are going to ride the wave or be swept over by it. One way or another the work of the Lord will be accomplished, whether we choose to help, hinder, or idly watch.

    I think I'd rather be helping... even if its only in some small way.

  5. This is a powerful scripture and we need to be pure and not listen to the unpure things in our life's. We need to listen to our Heavenly Father and make the right desicions in our life's. Those are my thoughts for the week too !
    Mariah sparrow

  6. My thoughts really are a lot similar to Jen. It's been amazing to notice the changes going on within the church to prepare the rising generations. Scripture mastery hasn't changed in over 25+ years and in the past 3 years they have made some changes. The curriculum for the youth in church. When you think about all the languages they have to prepare to roll out the new manuals to, it is quite a massive undertaking. However these are marvelous days of the work rolling forward.
