Monday, February 8, 2016

Mosiah 3:19 (Lissa)


  1. As I thought about this scripture this week- I kept coming back to the realization that we are our own worst enemy.

    Although Heavenly Father's plan was for us to come here, he didn't send us here to fail. We are free to make our own decisions, but we also choose the consequences that go with it when we make choices.

    Bree did an interesting devotional for seminary this week. She gave each person some light diffraction glasses- they look like those cheapo 3-D glasses, but when you look through them everything looks like a kaleidoscope- you can see all the colors in the light reflected off objects. She likened that to seeing things the way that God sees things. If we could actually see things as they are and as they are meant to be- we would more clearly be able to see that God's will- His way- is the best, and most direct.

    We create problems and resistance for ourselves when we choose not to see things His way or ignore the light and promptings we are given. Remember how much we hated the "extra jobs" we had to do on Saturdays? Well now looking back I can see that Mom and Dad were teaching us to work together, be responsible and take care of our home, and appreciate the things we had been blessed with. It wasn't fun to go through at the time, but I am thankful for the life lesson and find that I wish I had done a better job teaching this to our girls.

    Thank heavens the Atonement is there to give us second chance after second chance, give us the energy to press on, and the hope to keep trying!

  2. This is one of those scriptures that I have heard many time. This week I kept coming back to ye thought that these words are translated to English from reformed Egyptian. So why use these specific words. The word yield lingered in my mind. For me when I thought of the different meaning of the word yield, the depths of this scripture started to appear.

    Yield definitions:
    - To produce, provide, deliver, generate
    - To give way to arguments, demands or pressure
    - To relinquish possession off
    - The full amount off a product
    - Surrender
    - To bear

  3. As I reflect on this scripture so many thoughts come to mind that we should not fall for the natural man in our life's instead we need to be meek, humble and submiveness in all we do and I love this scripture so much and it is one of my favorites and I love it ! We need to be more like our Savior Jesus Christ too. Happy Sunday to all !

  4. As I went to the temple this week I reflected on how childlike, submissive, humble, patient and full of love, and willing to submit to anything that Heavenly Father asked them. They didn't ask why do we have to leave the garden. They just did it. I hope that I can be more like that as I grow older. Really wanting God's will more than my will.

    This also made me think that one purpose for coming to this earth is to become a saint or a God. We do that by gaining a body, gaining knowledge, following the Savior, repenting when we do wrong and trying to live what we are taught, and relying on Heavenly Father's direction through the Holy Ghost. This is the way we become a saint is to become like Christ and Heavenly Father so we can dwell in his presence.

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  6. I suspect you have all discovered that this scripture has lots of meaning. As I was pondering I realized I might be able to write about 20-30 chapters just on this scripture alone...maybe even 2 or 3 books. But since I do not have the time or space to do so here, this is my condensed version.

    Where does the word ATONEMENT appear in this scripture? If you said the middle you are correct. And therein is the central issue of the gospel and this scripture. Everything (and that means ALL if you do not like big words) in the gospel centers on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. So all that bad stuff about the "natural man" can be overcome because of the atonement. All that good stuff in the last part of the scripture is magnified because of the atonement. If you want more you will have to wait for the two volumes to follow.

    Now the other thing that is near the center of this scripture and the entire gospel plan....the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and the Natural Man are not close friends. But the Holy Spirit can help us leave behind the natural man. That is why the Gift of the Holy Ghost is so precious and the enabler to get us to take advantage of the Atonement.

    Reading your comments I see that you too agree that this is a very meaningful scripture worthy of even more ponderizing.

    Love you all. DAD

  7. Elder Renlund said this in April 2015 quoting Nelson Mandela.

    “I’m no saint—that is, unless you think a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying."

    Elder Renlund goes on to say...
    The term Saints is commonly used to designate those who have achieved an elevated state of holiness or even perfection. And we know perfectly well that we are not perfect.

    President Thomas S. Monson has taught, “One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.”

    Jade came home yesterday from school telling me she had fallen down while walking home. Then later on she hurt herself a few more times because she wasn't paying attention. She seemed a little down. I reminded her that sometimes we fall so we can learn how to get back up again. I think the more painful, unfortunately the faster we learn. I've got some more falling to do so I can get back up again and learn more how to rely on His Atonement.

  8. Elder Renlund said this in April 2015 quoting Nelson Mandela.

    “I’m no saint—that is, unless you think a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying."

    Elder Renlund goes on to say...
    The term Saints is commonly used to designate those who have achieved an elevated state of holiness or even perfection. And we know perfectly well that we are not perfect.

    President Thomas S. Monson has taught, “One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.”

    Jade came home yesterday from school telling me she had fallen down while walking home. Then later on she hurt herself a few more times because she wasn't paying attention. She seemed a little down. I reminded her that sometimes we fall so we can learn how to get back up again. I think the more painful, unfortunately the faster we learn. I've got some more falling to do so I can get back up again and learn more how to rely on His Atonement.

  9. I really like this scripture a lot in because it talks about the natural man. We need to be more Christ like in our own lifes too !
    Mariah sparrow
