Sunday, February 21, 2016

D&C 135:3 (Mom)

Mom wants us to focus on the first sentence.


  1. I love this scripture. When we were on our mission we would get accused of worshiping Joseph Smith. We do not worship him but we revere him. He has restored all the plain and precious things that were lost when Christ and his apostles were killed in the meridian of time. Hr restored the fact that God and his son are separate beings and have a body of flesh and bones. He restored the priesthood, whereby we can be baptized, confirmed, and sealed in the temple. Because the priesthood was restored we can take the sacrament each week and become clean. We can also receive blessings of health and comfort. He was the first prophet in this dispensation. Because of him we have living prophets today which give us council and direction. He organized the church and started missionary work again. Because he restored the sealing power I can be married to your Dad for time and all eternity and can have you kids forever. Because of him I know that I have an eternal family, and that life is not ended when we die, and I that I can be with my parents again forever if I keep the commandments. He brought for the Book of Mormon. It is really my favorite book of scripture. I know he did not do that himself with only a 3rd grade education.

    It is because of Joseph that I have a testimony. When I was 14 I rally questioned if someone my age could do the things he did. I read the Book of Mormon. It took me a year but I finally gained that testimony for myself that he was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon was a true book. That has shaped my life. It determined who I married and how I lived my life and raised my family.

    I am twice his age when he passed away. My life is nothing compared to all the things he did. I just know that I need to try to live everyday with hope, and try harder to live the commandments like he did. It is sobering to think that he has done almost as much of Jesus Christ in establishing the gospel on the earth. I have tried to be a missionary like him and bring people to our Savior.

    Joseph Smith never hid any of his mistakes. In fact he wrote about them in scripture. He never took credit for his accomplishments. he was a humble servant of the Lord. I seek to be that also. I will try every day to live without guile and he humble and grateful for all of Heavenly Father's blessings.

    I love being able to take you kids when you were small, and the grandkids each time they turn 14 to the sacred grove. There is a spirit there that testified Joseph was a prophet. He saw what he said he saw and he never denied it. When I think about it, all things that are really important in life are the things that come about by the restorations that he brought back into this world, family, the gospel, the scriptures, and my knowledge of God, and that he answers prayers. That I have a personal Savior who loves me and had bled and died for me. I want to continue to live my life as a testimony of all the things that he restored.

  2. Sorry this was so long. I wrote early because we will be at Melissas

    1. Don't be sorry it was long! What an awesome testimony! Thank you for sharing that with us all. I am grateful to have a mother who loves and appreciates all the blessings of the gospel so much!

  3. This scripture is an amazing compliment to the life of Joseph Smith. I agree with mom about all of the blessings of the gospel that mean the most to me can all be traced back to the actions of Joseph Smith. I think it is very humbling to compare all the similarities between his life and the life of the Savior.

    In Seminary this week we were studying Psalms in our class. When we got to Psalms 24:3-4 it talks about having clean hands and a pure heart. People used to have to bring "gifts" and/or sacrifices when they would come to the temple in ancient days. This stopped with the Savior's Atonement and was no longer required. Instead all he asks of us now is a broken heart and a contrite spirit- basically our willingness to do everything and anything God asks of us. Joseph Smith was the prime example of this. That is why we can say he has done more for mankind, second only to Christ himself.

    When I take the sacrament or go to the temple now, I need to keep this in mind, so that hopefully someday my family and the Lord will feel that I also did a few good things throughout my life to show my appreciation and gratitude for the amazing gift of the gospel in my life, through His servant joseph Smith. We can each help carry on the work he began whether it be through our callings, missionary work, family history work, or teaching our children the gospel.

  4. I really like scripture a lot and we need to be like the Prophet Joseph Smith in our own lifes and I am so glad that we have prophets to lead and guide this church too !
    Mariah sparrow

  5. You just cannot find enough good things to say about the Savior and the Prophet Joseph Smith. The simple sentence that starts this scripture places them both in comparison in a very positive way. Christ was not only the author and finisher of our salvation, but he came to earth to experience mortal life. In his final great gift he atoned for every man and women to ever live on this earth. Joseph Smith became Christ's instrument to restore all of the saving ordinances necessary for us to take advantage of the atonement. Maybe some other prophet could have done it, but Joseph was the one called to do that amazing work. We have the opportunity to be part of this last dispensation when Christ will restore all things needed for the final chapter of this temporal existence. It will be a thrilling experience to sit at the feet of Christ and Joseph Smith to be instructed throughout eternity.

  6. The more I study Joseph Smith's life, the more my personal relationship with the prophet Joseph deepens. Yet still there is more being discovered about this great man. I'll never forget the first time I got to hold a copy of the death mask of Joseph and his brother Hyrum. I had seen pictures, and copies in a glass case, but this was the first time I held part of the prophet in my hands. It just solidified all the more that this man really did live and died great in the eyes of God.
