Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 14: Moroni 10:5 9 (Dad)


  1. I think most times we think of this scripture in terms of conversion to the gospel- but I kept thinking this week about how the spirit prompts us in many different aspects of our lives often throughout the day and if we act on those promptings then we recognize the truth in what we are doing, knowing it comes from the Lord.

    Here's a few examples from me:
    Al stayed to all 3 hours of church last week. This is the first time he's done that in about 3 months. At first I just brushed it off as him trying to make a good impression for Britt on her last Sunday home, or what ever- but later on in the week he made a passing comment about how it was a new year and he was going to try to be better. That set off a spark in me, from the spirit and I immediately prayed- thanking Heavenly Father for hearing my prayers and helping me realize Al's efforts were genuine. The truth of my prayers being answered became very clear in that moment.

    I have been struggling with my relationship with Britt, even before we went through all the issues with her depression. I feel shut out from her, and she doesn't want to let me back in. It's hard to see your child choose their phone and friends over a relationship with their family members. I feel like I failed as a parent to her. But then I have Bree! I always say she is my sunshine. Yesterday I mentioned that I forgot to get milk when we were at the grocery store. Bree stopped off and got some on her way home from work last night at 10 pm, paying with her own money. That meant so much to me! The fact that she would think to go out of her way and do something nice for me let me know that I have been a good mom to her and she has learned from the things I've tried to teach her. The Holy Ghost helped me see the truth- that I'm not as bad a parent as I thought.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are little truths we can learn all throughout the day if we look, listen, and feel the promptings from the Holy Ghost. Don't brush them off, take a second to PONDERIZE on them and the lessons become very apparent and profound.

  2. This is an interesting scripture. I think the Holy Ghost is so powerful. He is there with the rest of the Godhead when we pray. He testifies of truth. He helps us remember all things. He gives comfort to our souls. He guides and protects us. He even ratifies all or our ordinances. We often forget how powerful he is because we cannot visualize him.
    This scripture talks more about the Holy Ghost as a guide. Often when we pray for answers we have a hard time distinguishing between our conscience, our desires, the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The more we recognize those promptings and follow them we will be sure if we are getting revelation from the Holy Ghost. Sometimes, like Nephi, we are prompted to do things we never thought we should do, like he was told to kill Laban. I remember when you had to leave me in Texas when I had e-coli. I checked myself out of the hospital and took a ride from a stranger and came to Colorado. Sometimes we are just to proceed forward and the Holy Ghost will tell us if it is not right with a stuper of thought. I remember we would always pray that heavenly Father would put us where we needed to be in the military. We always found many reasons why we were sent to each place. Sometimes it is and instant enlightenment, so you know exactly what to do and you know it is right. That would often happen on our mission when non-members would pray about the truth of the church. It also happened to me when Dad called and told me that there was an opening in the mission office and we decided to retire from BAE and be missionaries.
    When I was on my mission and struggling with Tagolog or Chinese. I had to Holy Ghost be my companion to help me understand what the people were saying, and what I should say. I felt the spirit with me very strong. Now I am not serving it is harder to maintain that spirit. This year I did not set a New Year’s resolution. I just decided that I wanted to try to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ. As I try to live more like the Savior I find those promptings are coming more often. The ones I like best are when people will say, “How did you know….” Then I know that the spirit worked through me. I truly want to live so that the spirit is my constant companion.

  3. This is a time that we and the world need the Holy Ghost more than ever. It is also a time when the Noise and Tumult of the world are doing more to drown-out that still small voice that will speak to us.

    We were each given the "gift of the Holy Ghost" after baptism, but if you are like me, sometimes gifts get put on the shelf and not looked at or used for a long time. This Christmas I received many pairs of socks because I "needed" them. When I went to put them away I found I already had several pairs of socks in the drawer unused. I'm afraid I have treated that "gift of the Holy Ghost" that way also.

    He is real. The gift is real. He is there to comfort and guide us each day. Many times it is hard to hear Him because of what is going on around us. That is all the more reason we should be straining to hear. Will, can you fix me a setting on my hearing aids that will always hear the Holy Ghost when he speaks?

    The truth is becoming harder to find, but the Holy Ghost will help us know the truth of ALL THINGS. ALL means, friends, work, school, Primary, Seminary, Home Teaching, Visiting Teaching, Young Men, Young Women, He knows it all and will help us.


  4. Sorry for the double post- but I found this talk today as I was preparing for seminary. I talks about the Holy Ghost- great talk! Read it if you have time.

    What Lack I Yet?

  5. As I reflected on this scripture 3 words lingered in my mind; May and Holy Ghost. First the ward may. This scripture never said you will receive or its is your right to get but that you may. I take that to mean our receiving is contingent on something. And that something is us. It is up to use to be worthy, and sensitive to the promptings. Second Holy Ghost. This is not just good feelings but a member of the God head. If we could have him whispering in our ears or hearts what could I become. I think of the primary song, "if the savior stood beside me". If you don't know it look it up. Anyway that's what I hope, envision when I ponderize this scripture.

  6. From the post I thought it was verse 5-9, don’t know if that was right. However I find myself drawn to this phrase in verse 7.
    “for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men”
    Yesterday I gave my last lesson in Relief Society from the life of President Hunter. One quote in his lesson keeps running though my mind.

    “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” [Mark 4:38.] And one way or another we always hear in the stillness after the storm, “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” [Mark 4:40.] None of us would like to think we have no faith, but I suppose the Lord’s gentle rebuke here is largely deserved.

    Do I find Christ in my daily walk of life? Perhaps not as often as I should, but the Holy Ghost is the catalyst by which I can come to know him, find him, and become. “What think ye of Christ?”

    1. This scripture makes me happy that I know the Book of Mormon is true and that is my thoughts for this week !
      Mariah sparrow
