Sunday, January 22, 2017

"Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It?- Elder Cornish (Riah)

Link to the Talk: "Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It?"


  1. I loved this talk when I read it. Sunday it was also our teaching for our times lesson. Mariah also chose it for her family home evening lesson. I guess Heavenly Father is surrounding me with this talk because there is something I need to learn from it.
    I cheered when I read that "The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us. Elder Cornish reiterates that we will all make it and we are all will be good enough as we continue to live the commandments and keep repenting and do not rationalize or rebel.
    As we have worked with John we have tried to help him understand this principle. He can be good enough and he can make it if he will repent and continue to live the commandments. I think sometimes he gives up on his self and thinks it is hopeless. I love the quote by Elder Holland that said "It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's atonement can shine." This gospel is full of hope for everyone. Christ and Heavenly Father are in heaven cheering us on. They believe we can make it. It is up to us to also see that vision.

  2. I don't really have a whole lot to say this week – but this one that kept coming to my mind whenever I would see the title of this talk. Some of you may or may not know but I have always struggled with self-esteem issues. I never think that I'm worth it you're good enough. This talk help me to realize that in Christ's eyes I am. He went through the Atonement for me – he had to feel and handle all of the pain and suffering I would encounter in this life. He went through that so that I wouldn't have to go through it alone. That shows me that I am valued. The atonement isn't just for select people – it's for everyone. We were all worth it to Him.

  3. Somehow along our journey I think all of us create this little utopia of the perfect life we hope to have. The husband, kids, job, and where we are going to live. When it doesn't quite measure up we try to do more to fulfill that dream. But what we fail to realize sometime that we have just given way for the lie to live inside us and eat away at us because we don't quite measure up to the future of our perfect hopes and dreams.

    The scripture, 48 "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Doesn't mean it has to happen today or tomorrow. But to become as he is, we want to become Christ-like. So we think me+more=makes me christlike? or me+perfect=christlike? but we sometimes forget me+christ=christlike(perfection someday).
