Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 11: D&C 19:23-24

D&C 19:23-24 (Mariah)


  1. I think as I have sat back and concentrated on the real meaning of Christmas I have had more peace than ever before. The more I think of Christ and his mission, the more the worldly things don't matter. I guess I have learned to thing long term, instead of all the things that I needed to do today. There is only one that can give us peace, and let us know that what we have done is acceptable to him. That is the Prince of Peace.

  2. I think as I have sat back and concentrated on the real meaning of Christmas I have had more peace than ever before. The more I think of Christ and his mission, the more the worldly things don't matter. I guess I have learned to thing long term, instead of all the things that I needed to do today. There is only one that can give us peace, and let us know that what we have done is acceptable to him. That is the Prince of Peace.

  3. This week the words "meek" and "will" stood out to me.

    Meek does not mean weak. Christ was the utmost example of meekness- but he was anything but weak. He has power to control everything under the heavens but chose to use his words carefully, sometimes saying nothing at all. His actions were an example for us all to follow, but always came from a place of love.

    The other word was "will". As I took the sacrament today I listened to the prayers and pondered on the commitment we make to take Christ's name upon us and testify of him. No one forces us- it's our choice and we must decide if we are willing.

    I found this quote this week: “I think that sometimes our highest reaching is contained in how we respond to a question God might ask us about our petitions. ‘If I answer, will you act? Will you believe? Will you testify? Will you live it?’” — S. Michael Wilcox

    Christ willingly gave his life for us. Our will is the only thing we can truly give back to The Father that is not already His.

    Every time I also hear or see the word "Will" I can't help but think of our Will. He may be one of the younger kids in our family, but he is a great man, a wonderful father, and has been a big brother to all of us girls at some point. We are lucky to have him in our family!

  4. You all of good thoughts on this scripture. I want to say I love this scripture. With that being said I had hard time with this one this week. I just could not get insight into this one, more than the beautiful words in the page. Finally I expanded my vision literally. I read the entire section. After that I reflected on the section heading. I was struck buy the short descriptive phrase that goes with the verses that were chosen; Preach the gospel of repentance. If we are to go teach others we must learn of his words and teachings. Today I look at theses 2 verses as a condensed version of D&C 4. Those are his qualities he wants us to have to teach his word to his our fellow man.

  5. Have I told you before how much I love your comments? I really, really love your comments.

    Now to this week...this is a scripture that implies DO SOMETHING! Learn, listen, walk. Of the three walking is the most difficult for me. Listening is easy; learning a little more difficult; but walking requires some physical effort. And it just can't be any walk in the park or taking the dog for a walk. I'm not sure I know how to walk in meekness, but I sure do want the peace. Your comments helped me to better understand how to get that peace.

    So I guess I will still ponder more on how to walk in meekness.

    Love you all.....DAD

  6. Sorry this is so late but I love this scripture very much because we need to learn of him and listen to his words and walk in his ways every day of our life's. Happy new year to all .
    Mariah sparrow

  7. As I considered more the word "meek" I looked up a talk given by Elder Maxwell. It was given in 1983...not when I was 4, must be a typo. On this occasion in this talk he explained how essential it was for us to be meek before we could obtain faith, hope, and charity. He also said it was one of the most needed for our times.

    "you truly are a generation drenched in destiny. May you, therefore, be meekly drenched in destiny."

    He also said,

    Because they make fewer demands of life, the meek are less easily disappointed. They are less concerned with their entitlements than with their assignments.

    "When we are truly meek, we are not concerned with being pushed around, but are grateful to be pushed along. When we are truly meek, we do not engage in shoulder-shrugging acceptance but in shoulder-squaring, in order that we might better bear the burdens of life and of our fellow beings."

    I gotta get me some more meekness!
